As Alphen Glen approaches Its Occupation date in December and the final details are finished, the desirability of the building, lifestyle and centrality exceed investors expectations on ROI.
Initial estimates on One bedroom rentals were around R8’500 – R9’500 pm. The realized rentals for the one bedroom apartments however is between R11’000 – R12’000 p.m., which increases the Yield of these investment units from 6.3% – 8%. A significant upward shift, offering healthy returns for investors and a desirable living space and access for tenants.
Equally 3 bedroom ROI’s were estimated to be around 5%, whereas these are in practice achieving around 7% – 8%.
ONLY 3 one bedroom Investment units still available priced between R1’595 – R1’795 (with NO TRANSFER DUTY) – rentals estimated at R11″000p.m. offering Yields of approximately 8.2%.